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Welcome to

This website contains various projects I have worked on in the past.

I also post stuff on my Google+ page.

Thanks for visiting!

Blue Light

Blue Light
If you like this photo please +1 it on Google+: 


Portrait of Buddy

Portrait of Buddy

Wall at St Anne's Catholic Church (detail)

Wall at St Anne's Catholic Church (detail)
If you like this photo please +1 it on Google+: 

The Alien Eating My Brain (2013)

This another piece I created for my ARTS-2326 course, the assignment dealt with assemblage and found art. I am calling it The Alien Eating My Brain.

Higher Faster (2013)

This is the end result of my ARTS-2326 project #1. I am calling it Higher Faster.

ARTS-2326 Sculpture Project One

This article documents the making of the first sculpture for my ARTS-2326 course at St. Philips College.

Learning to Weld

You may have noticed that most of the old content went up only to 2005 or so. For a while there life was like a wild ride on a bucking bronco and I was trying my darnedest to hang on so I had very little time to update my personal website. Things have finally calmed down enough to where I have time to work on this website.

So anyway, recently I signed up for a Sculpture class so that I can learn how to weld...

Announcing a new Internet startup: Soft-Tex Consulting

I occasionally get requests to perform IT Consulting work. Since I work full-time for a major Internet hosting firm I have to be careful of potential conflicts of interest.

In order to have a formal structure so that I can perform IT Consulting work without affecting my full-time job, I, together with good friend Ector Castilleja, have formed an IT Consulting partnership called Soft-Tex Consulting.

Javier Rios' Models at Realms Con

In 2005 I had a chance to go to Realms Con, a sci-fi / fantasy / anime convention held in Corpus Christi Texas. As a big sci-fi and anime fan I had a really good time there.

I wanted to show you all the three large-scale models my good friend Javier Rios had on display there. To view the three models Javier displayed at Realms Con click on "read more" below.


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