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Is There A Lack Of Diversity in Information Technology?

[ Note: I wrote this paper for a business psychology course a few years ago. I need to revisit this article to see how the numbers stack up with current industry-wide statistics. -- Ben ]

Chicano Artist Enrique Arciniega Campos

Enrique Arcineiga Campos was a good friend of mine when I lived in Houston, Texas.

Enrique was a noted Chicano artist who was included in the Arizona State University Hispanic Research Center's Chicano/a Artists book. Here is Enrique's page in the book.

View some more of Enrique's artwork

Some of Ben's Older Digital Imaging Projects

In order to get better with Adobe Photoshop, I took a digital imaging course at Houston Community College. Below are the Photoshop projects I completed for that class.

Some of Ben's Army Photos

I spent two years in the Army during the mid-1980's, where I served in a Mechanized Infantry unit. It was during peace time during the Ronald Reagan administration, so my experiences were closer to Stripes than Platoon. I spent most of the time in Georgia (Fort Stewart and Fort Benning) but did get to take a couple of side trips to the Mojave desert of California. Read on to see a few photos that I took during my time in the Army.

Some of Ben's Older Projects, Articles and Photos

Some older projects I have worked on,.newspapers articles I have written and Black & White photos I have taken are listed below. Click on "read more" to see them:

Biography of Ben Alcala

Short version: Except for the two years I spent in Georgia in the US Army, I have lived in Texas my entire life. I was born and raised in Alice Texas and moved to Houston Texas in order to go to college. I eventually moved back to South Texas and later moved to San Antonio, Texas. I am currently looking for an IT job in the San Antonio/Austin area and am in the process of completing a B.S. degree in Computer Information Systems and Security at Our Lady of the Lake University. Read on for a detailed biography.


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