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Separated At Birth

GRPH 1349 - Digital Imaging

Editorial Image Project

Separated at Birth

I am a "yellow dog" Democrat and I was disappointed when the Republicans filed suit to prevent the State of Florida from counting votes. In a "Democracy" the majority is supposed to rule, but in the U.S. the candidate with fewer votes can be declared the "winner".

Thanks to brother Jeb Bush and his cabal of Florida Banana Republicans, many Florida Blacks were not allowed to vote and there were irregularities in the military vote. Of course, just about everyone remembers the infamous "butterfly ballots" too difficult for some Florida voters!

The fraud that was the 2000 election meant that the pretender to the throne is actually sitting on the throne! It is for that reason that I have chosen George "Dubya" Bush as the infamous personality du jour.

what -- me worry?

For obvious reasons this image is called "Separated At Birth". Thinking about it, after hearing some Bushisms that come out of Dubya's mouth, it would appear that Alfred E. Neuman is the smarter one of the two!

This image does not really need too much explanation, as the symbols are pretty obvious. For those wondering why the finger is there, it is symbolic of the finger the Republicans gave the voters of America by refusing to count votes in Florida.

It also stands for the plight of the working class when Republicans are in office. The Republicans are supposed to be good at economics but the economy was sure better when Democrat Bill Clinton was President...

I am not still totally happy with the Bush face, and the ears, lips and eyebrows could use some more work. I must confess that I was inspired by Tom Tomorrow's comic strip (still looking for a link as stupid Salon Magazine broke the old link). I had not seen The Nation's interpetation, but when I saw it, it gave me something to shoot for!

Alfred E. Neuman and "What -- Me Worry?" © E.C. Publications/MAD Magazine

Last Updated Tuesday, February 03 2004 @ 10:38 PM UTC

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